Pigeon Nets Near Me in Pragathi Nagar. In this Growing Civilization we are acquiring birds & animals land due to which we are troubling us. Fact is we are in their places at the same time. Keeping them close is also not good. Some of them will create lifetime diseases, for example Pigeons or Birds. Birds or Pigeon shit is the most dangerous thing, it is a poison, it creates heat and it also contains an acid which will remove your painting of the car or bike. Creates a rest on Metal items like windows, doors, gates & Railings.
Without Killing or Hurting the Birds & Pigeons we do fix Pigeon Nets for Balconies, Pigeon Nets Near Me in Pragathi Nagar. These materials are 0,8 to 1.5mm in thickness and 30mm in gap. These gaps are well measured standard gaps in which no birds can enter. It comes in transparent, green, white & black in color.